
Posts Tagged ‘Christian Aguilera’

Christina Aguilera’s C-Section Opt Under Scrutiny

In Christina Aguilera on January 7, 2008 at 9:03 pm

Christina Aguilera is opting for a C-Section, although her pregnancy doesn’t warrant one. ChrissyAgui is opting for the procedure to make her labor pangs as painless as possible, but it may do just the opposite, says a labor expert:

    “women report longer, more grueling recoveries and more lingering abdominal pain following a cesarean. This makes sense when you think about the fact that surgeons have to create an alternative birth canal in your belly, which requires cutting through several layers of skin, fascia, muscle, and your uterus — way down low at the top of the cervix — and then sewing it all back up. You’re also going to lose more blood during surgery — twice as much as you would with a normal birth.”

      Guess Chrissy Agui is so loaded, she’s choosing to ask for surgery she doesn’t need.